Seventh-Day Adventist Diet

Seventh-Day Adventist Diet Plans for Weight Loss & Cleansing

About Our Healthy Diet Programs

Seventh-day Adventists are a group of Christians studied in the Blue Zone Study and shown to live ten years longer than the average American. The primary reason for this is attributed to the vegetarian/vegan diets and holistic lifestyle.

Adventists eat diets which are similar to what was eaten by Daniel in the Bible. The Seventh-day Adventist church doesn’t have an official SDA diet plan. But, my visitors really wanted a plan, so these plans were made by a nutritionist to meet health standards Adventists are known for.

Not only that, but the programs were made to meet the biggest health needs of our audience: Weight Loss and Cleansing.

Diet Plans Illustration

Weight Loss For Life

The Complete Look.

Introducing the whole foods 42-day program that can support you to make the changes you deserve.

Weight Loss For Life was created as a two part program. The first 14 days are all about getting the weight burning off. The next 28 days are created to change the way you think about food (and how you think about yourself) in order to end dieting forever.

I know a lot of people are waiting for a magic diet or cure to fix all your issues. Or a spark of motivation to get you started. Or even just that moment when you feel good in you body. Unfortunately, we live in a world where we are promised these things while being told that we are not enough how we are. Pills, powders, and diets? They don’t work long-term. Ever. But here’s the good news: I’ve got a solution for you.

Bio-individuality – Translation?

I know there’s no one magic diet or cure for anyone. So, instead, I’m here to help you learn what foods fuel YOUR body. We’ll also get you started on an exercise routine YOU enjoy. On top of that, we want to go an extra step and dive into your attitudes surrounding food and life- including de-stressing strategies that can help keep you from jumping straight into the nearest doughnut shop.


What To Expect:

  • Lose weight quickly and easily first with the 14 day weight loss jump start and then by making smart choices (instead of depriving yourself)


  • Ditch old habits that don’t serve you anymore


  •  Kick those quick fixes with 0 results to the curb


  •  Stop buying book after book, doing diet after diet, and still not experiencing the changes you desire


  • Uncover more happiness, more energy, and a feeling of total balance throughout the day


  •  Live a life free from confusion about what to eat, where you feel completely in control of your body and mind


  •  Take control of your life in other areas and learn positive habits to support your mental and emotional health.

Trust me, there was a time when nothing worked for me except calorie counting…

The day before I was about to start my “lifestyle change” (calorie counting-but forever this time), I would binge eat everything I couldn’t have during my diet. Cookies, candy, frozen pizzas that didn’t even taste that good.


I had convinced myself that I couldn’t be happy unless I was skinny, and I couldn’t be skinny unless I was deprived. What I discovered, is that being healthy, including mentally healthy, doesn’t mean counting calories or finding the “right” food! We are all different and have unique nutritional needs.


But we also have a brain that needs to be kept healthy. And that’s what I’m here to prove to you over the course of 6 delicious, and life changing weeks.

If you are feeling…

• Tired
• Sluggish
• Moody
• Hormonally imbalanced
• Fatigued
• Bloated
• Irritated

That’s your body telling you it’s time for a change. So let’s do this. Together. Here’s a peek at what’s inside this program:
  • 4 Weekly eBook Guides with daily prompts, so you get chunks of information daily, making it easy to apply these principles to your life.
  • 2 weeks of weight loss-focused meal suggestions and shopping lists to make burning fat and getting that lean, tone body that much easier to attain.
  • Recipe Guide packed with 70 recipes that are family-friendly, and also chef-created (which means super yummy)
  • Total of 10 Weekly Meal Planners and Shopping Lists for each week
  • A Simple-to-Use Food Diary
  • Gluten-Free Substitutions ( I found eating gluten free got rid of my acne, so it’s worth a shot for some)
  • Several Other Bonus Handouts

But I know you’re probably wondering:

“Is there even a difference between clean eating and a diet?”

YES When you diet, you’re dwelling on fats, counting calories, and restrictions. Most of the time, you end up feeling tired and just plain frustrated, right? That’s what makes this program so different.

Unlike a diet, this 42 day program teaches you how to eat foods that are healthy and delicious while you learn positive habits that can transform how you view food and life!

The outcome? You start making long-lasting changes, instead of opting for the next quick fix. You’re about to embark on a life-changing experience, because you’re about to ditch the diet mentality forever.

In 42 days, you’ll discover:

Health Principles
YOUR unique healthy blueprint
Healthy Recipes
Which foods give you optimal energy, and jumpstart your metabolism
Diet Plans
How to plan your own healthy, stress-free meals – even if you’re busy and have no time.
Diet Plans
Real life strategies for putting yourself FIRST (without feeling guilty. Whoa!)
What exercises fit your unique body and lifestyle
The exact steps, week by week, that help you achieve long-lasting results
More about yourself and your body than ever, with daily assignments over a 28-day period that will empower you to make lifelong changes
Healthy Recipes
Tips for cooking healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes that will leave you satisfied with every bite
Health Principles
Which snacks are healthy and easy to make
Healthy Recipes
Tactics for crowding out the bad stuff, so you can bring in yummy foods to replace ‘em – no deprivation here!
Diet Plans
Easy ways to order healthy everywhere- including your favorite restaurant
“This seventh day adventist diet plan has changed my life. Who knew that in 4 weeks, you’d really be able to discover which foods work for your body? I sure didn’t! But now I totally get how to eat right for my body, take care of myself, and find exercise that suits my unique lifestyle. Thanks for setting me up for success and making it so easy! After 1 week I have already lost 3 pounds! I feel more committed to change than ever! This program is so easy to follow!”
Brenda Mali
Lost 45lbs in 4 months

Interested in getting both?

Check out our bundled option. Was $60, now only $50 for a limited time click here!

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

Not at all! There are recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there is room for snacks in between. Every meal is delicious and created by a fabulous chef to nourish your body from the inside out. This program is not about starvation or deprivation, and we are not counting calories or dwelling on carbs. You will feel satisfied with every bite. If you do get hungry, there are extra snack recipes included!
Please workout during the program! If you feel tired or have low energy, exercising restores both strength and energy. During this program, you will be eating protein and drinking plenty of liquids, so if you’re already exercising, there’s no reason to stop! It is important to remember that whenever you change the foods you eat your body changes as well. Please consult with your doctor if you have any specific concerns about your health.
You will have the option for plant or animal-based proteins, which will be listed out for you in your recipes and suggested meals. There are so many “clean eating protein sources” to choose from you won’t get bored with your options!
No way! While there are some juices and smoothies for you to choose from, you will also be eating salads, soups, and even desserts that are delicious, nutritious, and will eliminate toxins in your body in a safe and natural way.
Not in this program!! The only supplement I recommend that everyone take on a daily basis is a probiotic, and you’ll learn why in this program.
If you are nursing, I suggest that you add at least 4-6 ounces of protein at lunch and dinner, boost your morning smoothie with a scoop of hemp or pea protein, and eat snacks in between meals. Make sure you are consuming extra fat and drinking enough liquids. This program does not include any detox-provoking agents, but again, please consult with your doctor prior to starting this program if you have any health concerns.
You are going to feel so strong and energized it will amaze you! In the beginning, your body may go through a “healing phase” to re-balance and let go of toxicity. It is important to listen to your body through this program, and I will be here to support you with that. I will guide you step by step through exactly what can be done to reduce any unwanted symptoms that may appear. This program is completely flexible for figuring out what works for YOU!
Many people who eat very “clean” already still have room to empty out the pipes with an elimination diet and take their healthy habits to the next level. Changing up the foods we eat gives our digestion time to rest and reset, which can be helpful for anyone regardless of their current eating habits.
Some people go through this program and feel nothing but energized, while others may feel tired or light-headed as their bodies eliminate and let go of unnecessary toxins. The experience will differ from one person to the next, but this program is designed with that in mind, and you’ll have access to all the tools you need to keep any unwanted symptoms at bay.
While this program is based on eating only whole foods, it is still advised that you consult your physician before beginning this or any program.

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